Toys, Tots, and Togetherness: IIBEC Northern California Celebrates the Season

2024 Toys for Tots NorCal IIBEC

On December 12, the Northern California Chapter of IIBEC brought holiday cheer to Emeryville’s Tipsy Putt with a festive and memorable holiday gathering. Approximately 20 members and friends came together to celebrate the season, share laughs, and enjoy an evening of fellowship.

The evening was not only filled with fun and games, but it also highlighted the spirit of giving. Attendees generously contributed to a Toys for Tots toy drive, making the holidays brighter for children in need. The impressive collection of toys demonstrated the group’s commitment to giving back to the community during this special time of year.

Amid the backdrop of friendly rounds of mini-golf and spirited conversation, participants enjoyed an opportunity to reconnect, relax, and build stronger relationships within the industry.

Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to making this event a success. Here’s to a new year of continued collaboration, community support, and more exciting chapter events!